It seems like every account you have out on the internet requires some type of personal security question to answer if you don't remember your password or just an extra level security if you need to access an account. These are questions like "What highschool did you attend?", "What is your mother's maiden name?", or "What is the first pet you owned?". These are all good questions, right?
Google recently looked at millions of security questions to see how secure they actually were and realized that we are kidding ourselves when we think our account access is safe at least on this front. Some are easy answers. Some are so hard that even then user that they came from can't remember what they are. In most cases the hacker has 10 tries to get the answer right before they are locked out and in some questions they had up to a 21 percent chance of guessing the right answer based off the questions specificity.
Bottom line is that we can't feel too safe having our line of security defense based on a simple security answer that if not taken seriously can be an easy way in to our precious accounts. One suggestion would be to have a verification SMS text message sent to you for an extra verification level. One day there will be a better way to do this, but until then be sure to update your security questions and definitely make sure you yourself know the answer!
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